Here’s a font built out of a collection of simple geometric shapes, rearranged and reconfigured to become dazzling display letters of a highly stylized, modern alphabet. It’s complex and ornate, but closer inspection reveals the simplicity of the elements used to construct each glyph. The Particulate font was created at a font workshop as part of the Portfolio 1-on-1 event hosted by the Minnesota chapter of the AIGA this year. Workshop participants each created a letter out of pre-cut geometric shapes of paper; the resulting letters have been collected and combined here, each letter different from the next, but all unified by a similarity of composite shapes. The workshop was led by designer Anne Ulku who concocted the basic structural geometric elements of the typeface and lent her unique fanciful-minimalist design style to the inspire the flavor of the font. It is simple and complex at the same time. Particulate is mostly all caps and is best used at larger sizes with lots of color for complex molecular scientific equations or really loud, cryptic love letters. To get an even better view of the font in action, check out the cool introductory video by animator Adam Tow. Enjoy this font and use it often.